So I may not be in Ashland or Argentina right now, but i am doing something exciting tonight. I just turned in the final for my last Spanish class of my collage career....You can all be excited now. Although i'm not actually graduating this year my accomplishments make me feel as though I am. By Tuesday evening i will have finished with the last of my finals that i will ever take at Walla Walla University. To me, this is graduating. My study abroad in Germany feels like its just for me, a time for me to study one of my biggest passions, its extraneous. So on Tuesday, in my mind i will have graduated from WWU. This is when i feel as though i have accomplished something, my major was not easy for me. There were many times when i thought i was never going to learn how to speak Spanish or that i was the worst of the Spanish majors at my university. But you know what? I learned a lot, I can speak, read and write in Spanish. I may not be fluent yet but i am proud of how far i have come. So if you ever want to be proud of my academics, be proud now. The diploma i will receive next year will be just a piece of paper by then.
As a matter of fact i was just telling Nathan that no one will be proud of me when i come back from Germany because i will do well there and that is expected. I won't be proud, it wont be a huge accomplishment mainly because it feels more like a hobby of mine, a language love, not something i need to conquer. My other studies here, my major were something to conquer. I don't mean that all negatively its just that it wont be a big deal. But this all was..... I mean i just turned in my Spanish final which took me a few days to finish....that means i just completed my Spanish Major. I. Am. Done. And what a relief it is. On to my next adventure (after finals of course).
From Ashland To Argentina
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
As The Days Go By....
So when I get stressed out I tend to shut down, and like many students coming up on finals and the end of the year I just dont want to do anything. Next thursday is D day. I have my grammar, Conversation, and Composition finals, it is also my very last day of school for this year. I have about....12 days left here, depending on how you count, and yet it seems like I have years and at the same time as though I am leaving tomorrow. Sitting here in Amairis's room, like i have every night for the better part of the last four months reminds me of how important these people are to me. Someone once scolded me for saying I have multiple bestfriends, because of course, how can they all be the best? But thats not how I look at it, I have best friends from all walks of life. And I have collected multiple whom I would call 'best friend' here. Which, is amazing and a little humorous because I was concerned about making friends here before I left for Argentina, now I have my ACA family and several best friends besides. The not funny part of all of this is saying goodbye in less than two weeks. I feel so conflicted, its like the end of my Argentinian life and the resumption of my normal life, I am excited and dreading leaving all at the same time. For many of my ACA friends this weekend will be their last weekend here, our last weekend together.
So this is me, trying to pull myself up by my bootstraps in order to finish my classes strong. But on the brightside packing will be so much easier since i packed my big suitcase yesterday. Living out of my carry on suitcase for a few days should be fun but a little less stress when the big day comes. Yesterday was also my last day of Translation. *Sigh* Heres to the ending of an incredible year...
So this is me, trying to pull myself up by my bootstraps in order to finish my classes strong. But on the brightside packing will be so much easier since i packed my big suitcase yesterday. Living out of my carry on suitcase for a few days should be fun but a little less stress when the big day comes. Yesterday was also my last day of Translation. *Sigh* Heres to the ending of an incredible year...
Monday, May 5, 2014
IM COMING HOME IN TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As you can see i am rather excited to be coming home. I am NOT excited about saying goodbye to my ACA family and my best friends here but at least most of them live in the states....except all my beloved Brazilian friends *sniff*. I have not been in the United States for 9 months, and i haven't seen my boyfriend in...11 months. So as you can imagine i am dying to get home. Especially because i havent really been able to sleep in my room these last few weeks. Not sure exactly what changed but my roommates kinda decided that sleeping wasn't important and they should stay up talking with the lights on past 12pm every single night of the week. So I've also been staying up ridiculously late because i cant sleep with light and people talking. I did talk to the dean so its gotten a little better but not enough. The last two weekends I've been sleeping in Callie's or Amairis's rooms and sometimes on weekdays. But I am leaving so soon i hardly even care anymore. I think i might even start packing up my odds and ends...
Finals are starting this week going until next week. Callie is leaving a few days before me and a few people already left to get home for sibblings graduations. I just can't believe my year abroad is almost over!
As you can see i am rather excited to be coming home. I am NOT excited about saying goodbye to my ACA family and my best friends here but at least most of them live in the states....except all my beloved Brazilian friends *sniff*. I have not been in the United States for 9 months, and i haven't seen my boyfriend in...11 months. So as you can imagine i am dying to get home. Especially because i havent really been able to sleep in my room these last few weeks. Not sure exactly what changed but my roommates kinda decided that sleeping wasn't important and they should stay up talking with the lights on past 12pm every single night of the week. So I've also been staying up ridiculously late because i cant sleep with light and people talking. I did talk to the dean so its gotten a little better but not enough. The last two weekends I've been sleeping in Callie's or Amairis's rooms and sometimes on weekdays. But I am leaving so soon i hardly even care anymore. I think i might even start packing up my odds and ends...
Finals are starting this week going until next week. Callie is leaving a few days before me and a few people already left to get home for sibblings graduations. I just can't believe my year abroad is almost over!
Monday, April 21, 2014
So Here Is What You Missed
I'm not going to try to pretend I had a good reason for not blogging for so long, I just didn't feel like it. Its the third term, every ACA in this country is itching for classes in English, their families/significant others and Starbucks. I am most definitely not an exception, but that being said, I know I will miss this place when I am gone. But I've still got 28 days here so I will try my very best to make it the best 28 days ever.
So this is what happened since I last wrote. We had the most insane thunderstorm a few weeks ago. The thunder was deafening, the lighting was crashing down very nearby and it was pouring like there was no tomorrow. Campus was literally underwater in some places and the runoff on the road was really more like a waterfall. It was really cool. Amairis, and I went to Peruanos to meet Callie for dinner, by the time we got there we were 100% drenched. After dinner we went and jumped in every puddle on campus, it was so much fun.
And in more recent news.... um....all the ACAs got sick again and it wasn't my fault this time. The mosquitoes got bigger since its gotten cold, seriously they are now huuuge. I applied to Andrews University just to see my options. But no one panic transferring is sounding like a lot of work... It was Easter yesterday but that's unimportant because Mom is postponing easter until I get home (I am NOT missing my favorite holiday just because i'm in Argentina). I serial watched all the Doctor Who episodes....and the CELU test is this friday.
You are essentially up to date!
So this is what happened since I last wrote. We had the most insane thunderstorm a few weeks ago. The thunder was deafening, the lighting was crashing down very nearby and it was pouring like there was no tomorrow. Campus was literally underwater in some places and the runoff on the road was really more like a waterfall. It was really cool. Amairis, and I went to Peruanos to meet Callie for dinner, by the time we got there we were 100% drenched. After dinner we went and jumped in every puddle on campus, it was so much fun.
And in more recent news.... um....all the ACAs got sick again and it wasn't my fault this time. The mosquitoes got bigger since its gotten cold, seriously they are now huuuge. I applied to Andrews University just to see my options. But no one panic transferring is sounding like a lot of work... It was Easter yesterday but that's unimportant because Mom is postponing easter until I get home (I am NOT missing my favorite holiday just because i'm in Argentina). I serial watched all the Doctor Who episodes....and the CELU test is this friday.
You are essentially up to date!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Just Vaunting A Bit
So two things i wanted to share, which are completely non related. My brother Ross is super boss....and My internship is pretty cool too. So first things first. I was talking to Elena today about family and all that fun stuff and i was bragging about my brother Ross. Now, if you haven't met him you really ought to; he is awesome. Not only is he fun, caring, hilarious, and an all around good guy, he is pretty much the reason i made it through pre-calculus my freshman year of college. If i had math questions Ross would drop whatever he was doing and skype me until i all my questions were answered. He actually wrote out the equations step by step and explained it to me so i not only got the right answer, i knew how to do it again later. Did your brother do that for you? Also....he is really fun to talk to and several of my friends say hes really cute, so i'm feeling kinda proud to be his little sister. In case you read this Ross, thank you. :)
So my internship!! I think...I hope i mentioned at some point that i was doing an internship at the elementary school this term. For the first two weeks they shuffled me around grade to grade. I sat in/helped out with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th grade (apparently elementary and middle school go together in argentina). But i finally settled in 3rd. My friend Amairis and I go every week for 7.5 hours. We make posters and prep for class, we also help with activities in class and sometimes facilitate math games. I can now explain simple math in spanish, yes i am very proud. The kids are fascinated but us, mostly me because i actually look foreign. So i always end up with a small crowd around my chair...they just hover and watch me do whatever it is that i am doing. Sometimes they just watch and sometimes the ask me questions. Unfortunately half of them speak quickly and mumble simultaneously so i have absolutely no idea what they are saying. They are pretty adorable, even if half the time they are screaming or staring at me...never been one to like the staring. But we bumble along with my limited spanish and their butchered slang spanish. Its all a bit of a process, but its fun and keeps me busy so im happy.
Oh Vaunt means to exhibit or boast/brag/flaunt, in case you were not already informed. I like it. Its a good word.
So my internship!! I think...I hope i mentioned at some point that i was doing an internship at the elementary school this term. For the first two weeks they shuffled me around grade to grade. I sat in/helped out with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th grade (apparently elementary and middle school go together in argentina). But i finally settled in 3rd. My friend Amairis and I go every week for 7.5 hours. We make posters and prep for class, we also help with activities in class and sometimes facilitate math games. I can now explain simple math in spanish, yes i am very proud. The kids are fascinated but us, mostly me because i actually look foreign. So i always end up with a small crowd around my chair...they just hover and watch me do whatever it is that i am doing. Sometimes they just watch and sometimes the ask me questions. Unfortunately half of them speak quickly and mumble simultaneously so i have absolutely no idea what they are saying. They are pretty adorable, even if half the time they are screaming or staring at me...never been one to like the staring. But we bumble along with my limited spanish and their butchered slang spanish. Its all a bit of a process, but its fun and keeps me busy so im happy.
Oh Vaunt means to exhibit or boast/brag/flaunt, in case you were not already informed. I like it. Its a good word.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Take Me to Rio.
So I just got back this morning at the god-awful hour of 5am from the ACA trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Let me just say, Wow. If you haven't been to Brasil yet cancel all your plans and go. Just go. Its worth whatever amount of time in a plane, train, or car you would have to spend to get there. Its gorgeous, the people are so friendly and the food, specifically the fruit is delicious.
We left on Sunday last week and got to Rio monday at 2am or so. Monday morning/afternoon we took the train up to see the Cristo statue, which is not only impressive but also gives an amazing view of Rio.
Here is the Cristo! |
It was beautiful despite the clouds and mist. |
Here is my amazing ACA family |
Pretty sure in the distance is the Copacabana beach where we stayed. (PC:Elena) |
Tuesday we got up and pilled onto the bus to go see the Pão de Açúcar "sugar loaves". It is these two hills which supposedly look like sweet bread on its sides. It was a cool excursion and a great view.
This is what it looks like from the bottom. |
Callie, Alex, Me and Sapphira on the top of Pão de Açúcar. (PC: Elena) |
Me and Elena, my very first friend in Argentina :) |
On the top they had a wall everyone signed, of course i had to sign it too! |
Now my name is forever in Rio!!! |
Wednesday was a free day, which meant of course BEACH DAY!! One of the very best things about the beaches in Rio is that lining the beach is a walkway with a juice stands nearly every 15 feet. You walk up and order and watch them cut up whatever fruit you ordered (Maracuya of course) put it in a blender with some ice and water...Tah-dah! Juice. Best thing ever. Thats pretty much what i had for lunch and dinner everyday. The beaches themselves are amazing too, cream white sand that feels like powdered sugar on the feet and super salyt warm water. Simply amazing..... Except when you don't wear sunscreen and you end up looking (and feeling) a little deep fried....that would be me and Callie and Elena. Yeah....So the beach day was fun while it lasted...that burn is still lasting.
(left to right) Vicki, Lauren, Sapphira and me walking Copacabana. |
Brasil is Heaven...they even had tie-dye beach dresses :D |
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My beach buddies: Elena, Callie, Me, Sapphira and Lauren. |
This guy is the greatest. They walk the beach selling bikinis on umbrellas. Pretty awesome. |
Monday, March 10, 2014
Most of us like to think that people come into our lives for a reason. But what about when they leave and you're just not ready to be left behind? Is there a reason for that? Yesterday I came to the hard realization that pretty about two months I'm going to be saying goodbye to some of the most amazing people I have ever met. My little ACA family and my UAP friends. Its heartbreaking. Over the years, I have said to friends (out of insecurity) "don't replace me" but that is probably the most ridiculous thing to say to just about anyone I've ever cared about. People can't be replaced by anyone or anything else, and the friends that i've made here can't replace my friends at home, and my friends at home can't replace the friends I have made here.
Sometimes making friends away from home feels more like a liability than a gift, because in the end I know that we will part ways and there is a good chance of never seeing them again. But a very wise women once told me that each relationship I would have would be like medicine to me, mending old wounds, teaching me lessons, and expanding my life. I think its true, friendships always brings something needed into my life. And even though I hate saying goodbye I know that I have learned some important lessons from the people I have met here and i will be a better person for it. Sometimes its accepting the friendship of someone you didn't want in your life and in the end realizing they became so important despite yourself. Sometimes its the unbiased, non judging kindness of someone who you can tell all your faults and mistakes to that heals the deepest insecurities. And sometimes its those loud and abrasive people with the sunny disposition that always have something to say that brightens your day....whether it but rainbows and kittens or snarky quips.
So with all this being said, I intend to soak up the time I have left and enjoy the bittersweet last term of ACA in Argentina. Here is to the first day of our last term.
Sometimes making friends away from home feels more like a liability than a gift, because in the end I know that we will part ways and there is a good chance of never seeing them again. But a very wise women once told me that each relationship I would have would be like medicine to me, mending old wounds, teaching me lessons, and expanding my life. I think its true, friendships always brings something needed into my life. And even though I hate saying goodbye I know that I have learned some important lessons from the people I have met here and i will be a better person for it. Sometimes its accepting the friendship of someone you didn't want in your life and in the end realizing they became so important despite yourself. Sometimes its the unbiased, non judging kindness of someone who you can tell all your faults and mistakes to that heals the deepest insecurities. And sometimes its those loud and abrasive people with the sunny disposition that always have something to say that brightens your day....whether it but rainbows and kittens or snarky quips.
So with all this being said, I intend to soak up the time I have left and enjoy the bittersweet last term of ACA in Argentina. Here is to the first day of our last term.
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