Sunday, February 23, 2014


         Well i made it through finals without punching anyone in the face...but i still feel like sleeping for a week straight. See here in Argentina the class set up is different, tests are different so trying to prepare for finals is pretty rough. In the states professors, as a general rule, go over the most important things to study or give out a study guide. Here they just say know chapters 1-7 and thats all you get. However the tests are pretty short and they like to ask questions about things that really aren't that important, like little inconsequential details, its pretty hard to know what to study. So thats fun....But I'm done, i did pretty well and now i just have to decide what to take third term. There are so many options though....I have the chance to do an internship teaching English to a elementary class, so I'm signing up for that...should be interesting.
         Tonight ACA leaves for Iguazu. We are taking a bus all the way to Misiones, thats roughly 15 hours by bus, my worse nightmare. Have i mention i hate bus/planes/car? I get motion sick. So since we are main traveling at night I'm going to take a benadryl and knock out....should work. So we spend about 3 days there and 30 hours in a bus...
        The dorm decided to paint all the ACA rooms, I'm kinda excited because my wall always looks dirty, not to mention there are places where the wall is falling apart so I'm hoping that will get fixed too. We have to move almost all of our stuff into the I'm just hoping my roommate doesn't decide to move back in this weekend while I'm gone cause that would probably not go well with them painting. But all in all things are getting better, new, better classes, a break for two weeks, and only 85 more days.
        Also, i started reading the thesaurus again and aoristic was my favorite today, it means indeterminate or indefinite. Just in case you were wondering. :)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Counting, Always Counting.

     Well i am officially the most inconsistent blogger ever. That being said there really wasn't anything of consequence to blog about, so you know it wasn't entirely my fault. But here i am. blogging. and isn't it lovely? So, you know how after a really long vacation away from home the last day or two of the trip you are just kinda done? well....that's how i feel. we passed the 100 day mark (100 before i go home) and now i'm just done. I have seen so many amazing things, been to awesome places and now i want to have the luxury of reading a my own bed. So I'm sitting at a wonderful 92 days more until I'm home, and less than 40 days of actually class left.... Tomorrow marks the beginning of finals week. The week all college students dread where we get no sleep, our cortisol levels sky-rocket, we eat too much or not enough, and feel like punching the first person who says hi in the face. Yup....that's tomorrow. But ever the optimist....OK I'm not really an optimist but whatever. After this week of hell we have our trip to Iguazu and then spring break following immediately. Then after that its two weeks of the third, and final term, then a week in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. So i mean that's not too bad....also i learned how to make some of my favorite Argentinian foods so that's also good.... by the time I'm back in school for more than two weeks it will be the middle of April.
     Ok why on earth does spell check correct i'm to I'm but it doesn't care about i to I? Cause i think thats pretty irritating...but maybe thats just me. Ok lets gotten cooler its never in the high 90s now, which i am highly appreciative of. My hamsters have gotten fat so now they're even cuter, i even caught them all asleep cuddling. Oh and Elena showed me where to buy really yummy incense so my room is always yummy smelling and hippie-y so that makes me more comfortable. Annnddd...... and.......yup. Great things. wooo. Hahahha :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Winter blues in Summer hues

     So its February...remember when i first got to Argentina and i was so excited about...well everything? I was making friends and doing new fun things, and all kinds of stuff. And then i had some great times traveling around over winter break and now its the middle term. And....If they told me i could go home tomorrow you'd be hard pressed stopping me. See, its not that its horrible here, or any of that nonsense....its just that I've been away from home since September and kinda like a hobbit, I'm rather fond of home. Also, like any college student in the pacific northwest, and probably other places, winter term is just exhausting. You have no energy for anything and everything sucks. So despite the blazing heat here and there, I'm just tired and homesick.

    But! On the bright side i have been learnign traditional Argentinian cooking in Folklore class, the Iguazu trip, spring break, and the Brasil trip are all back to back here pretty soon, and i have hamsters. So thats nice. Not to mention my friends here rock, i mean i can either excercise myself to death with Callie, make snarky remarks and serial watch movies/sherlock with Amairis, discuss the furthering of our hippie selves with Elena...ok clearly this was a mistake i'm not going to list all my friends and the things i do with them. But my point was i have awesome friends. And....i mean i can actually speak Spanish now. Does this mean that i feel like using it on a regular basis, however? No. But when taking all Spanish classes that's not really an option.

     So anyways, I'm fine. I miss everyone at home. Maybe i'll write more blog posts.