Monday, November 25, 2013

I Should Be Blogging

       I'm sitting here listening to one of my favorite songs Cold As Ice by Foreigner thinking what on earth should i be doing at 12:01am and suddenly i know! I should be blogging....kinda like the BeeGees song about.... You should be dancing yeaaaaa.... my family will understand, the rest of you sorry. Anyways....So its finals week part two, last week was the first half and i thank my St.Mary's education everyday because (no offence WWU) thats really the only part of my education that i feel like has really helped me anything useful. Maybe i quit paying attention after i left SMS (in highschool) but i feel like thereafter i had everything i needed to succeed and everything else just made me use that this making any sense? I'm a little scatterbrain. OMG DID I MENTION MY SISTER IS GETTING MARRIED!!!!!! Yes finally, i am so gosh darn excited ^_^ AND DID I MENTION ITS GOING TO BE IN GERMANY??? Caity is going to marry Flo....i alway wanted to have a legitimate reason to say i have German family, so thanks Cait.  Oooo and i get to be in it!!! YAY!! I mean it sucks because she gets to plan it (when i say "gets to" i kinda mean has to) without me! :( I always dreamed about helping my big sister plan her know go dress shopping and help pick out flowers and that kinda thing....darn you life, robbing me of helping my Only sister plan her wedding....Well i guess this means that after I spend a year running around Argentina i get to come home in the middle of May, be home with enough time to do laundry and pack again before flying to Germany to set up for Cait's wedding and the end of May. Talk about jet lag. But it will be so worth it....But i swear I will throw a legitimate tantrum if i don't see Nate before I fly off to another foreign country. I Finals week! In case you are wondering this is actually how my brain works, i bounce from one subject to the next and they are all in there and i am perfectly capable of completing the just takes a minute. Anywho, the first week was terrible, i honestly just ran and studied. That's it. No lie. I am dead beat tired....But its ok because its just an oral test tomorrow, two written on Wednesday and i'm done with trimester uno!
      So....basically i have decided to stop hunting for the baby cockroach who may or may not still be lurking around my room because...i mean Nate says they are friendly so maybe it just needs a friend, right? It wagged its antenna at me the other day when i was chasing it around my desk...i took that as a friendly gesture. So as long as Bug stays out of my way and off my bed and desk, Bug can chill for a little while...yes i name the baby cockroach Bug. Lets see what else...oh this morning i was awoken at 9am by what i thought was a bomb going off outside my was not a bomb.... the thunder is so loud here you can feel it in your chest...kinda like when you are in a car with an insane stereo system and the bass drops and it pounds through your that but scary as hell. It might have been cool if i knew thunder could do that and maybe if it hadn't woken me up. But as is, i leapt off the top bunk and slammed my windows shut before hiding under my covers wondering what on earth was going on...incidentally i went back to sleep with no problem but man...that was one heck of a way to wake up.
       Oh hey...its fact this Thursday is know when not in North America Thanksgiving seems kinda celebrate here i mean. For instance, its hot, there are palm trees, mosquitoes, i'm taking finals....speaking Spanish, you know? It just sounds weird to eat turkey and stuffing in this environment. I wonder if i will feel this way about Christmas too...

1 comment:

  1. We're going to miss you bursting out in song at the Thanksgiving dinner table with us and singing into the serving spoons this year. AND playing family "football" and cheating like mad. I hope you do something super fun and memorable there though. Love ya, Cuz.
