Its spring break...except that its actually fall break so thats nice. We just got back from the ACA trip to Iguazu (my round two). It was lovely, and despite how much i hate buses it was worth the 16 hour trips...mainly because i was in a drugged sleep through 98% of the traveling. Benadryl does wonders, my eyes don't itch and i sleep....i guess my eyes couldn't really itch in my sleep but that fact is irrelevant. We stayed in cabanas, which weren't cabanas, we ate really amazing and mediocre food, we saw the falls, got absolutely sodden with water from the falls and generally had a nice time. And in case you think i wasn't soaked then here is some proof.
My traveling buddies |
Getting ready to get on the boat to head into the waterfalls! |
Lovely waterfall mist and such |
We also saw some adorable Coatis...witnessed one of them hop onto a table where two ladies where eating lunch, stick its head into the box and steal and empanada much to the shock of the poor lady intending to eat that empanada herself. We walked around town, bought a million keychains....and gotten bitten by a million mosquitoes on steroids.
Practicing my cuteness skills |
I tamed a was purple and gold...ish. |
Incase you didn't believe i was really there. |
Also i have 79 days to enjoy Argentina and not be a i am commencing with the enjoying and eliminating the no-fun-having, homesick-ing, and general whining. Isn't that a relief?! Also i would like you all to know... the doritos bring all the boys the the grass.... Just so you are aware. Oh and last note...soused may mean soaked but it really means in alcohol, as in drunk. So don't try to tell someone you got soused on an ACA trip...i can't imagine that would go well. :)
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