Monday, November 4, 2013

A Rant Too Short Is No Rant At All

        Do you ever wake up from a ridiculous dream feeling absolutely murderous? It's ok that definitely doesn't ever happen to me either. Over the past few years i have come to the conclusion (through gentle scolding from my impeccably well mannered better half, Nathan) that i am unreasonable, unbending, and unprepared when it comes to my sleeping habits. Sleep is more important to me than food (i can see my mom shaking her head at me) so I naturally have a great deal of respect for others regarding their sleeping habits. I do my darnedest to be ninja if my roommate is sleeping when i leave/enter the room. I do not talk to people in my room when they are sleeping, i do not take phone calls, i dim my computer or leave the room if i'm using it, i stifle laughs and sneezes, i even go to class with my clothes on backwards because i got dressed in the dark so as not to wake my slumbering companion. Since i do these things out of reverence for the greatest thing on earth--Sleep-- I assume everyone else will show me the same courtesy ....that is simply not the case. But why not??? I swear I have asked this question at least a thousand times. Why doesn't anyone else care? Why is is so hard to expect someone to go the extra mile so i can sleep my whole 9 hours?! Well you've got me. So my problem is that when you have the great and terrible misfortune of waking me up when i do not need to be awake, i wake up in a mood to shred you limb from limb. I don't consider myself a violent person but i admit on several occasions that i have considered how hard it would be to hide the body of the unfortunate offender. Now i know you are all thinking its unreasonable....well i agree but sometimes I am unreasonable. like for example, when someone i either do not respect or do not consider to hold authority over me tells me what to do...its like my skin starts to crawl....argh not that! It makes me itchy, i like this term because its one of those terrible feelings you can't sate but it is there driving you crazy. Its when you see me get all mulish and stubborn and threaten to do something outlandish we all know i am not actually capable of. But mmmm if you make me might as well just throw my running shoes at me and kick me out of the house before you try to have any decent conversation with me. For example, the other day someone just so happened to say something so completely ridiculous that i was both righteously pissed off and vaguely astounded at the sheer lack of filter. I spent a good two days imagining all the ways in which i could reap my revenge for a comment which frankly hurt my feelings....but see i like to pretend i'm all tough and rough and you won't ever see me cry (which you probably won't cause i have a problem) but in reality half the things that make me feel murderous are over things which hurt my feelings.
      Actually there were are  numerous things that make me feel a little murderous....number one being biten. I am going to muder the next thing that bites me, so help me god...mosquitoes look out, I'm exacting revenge for my poor itchy, bitten feet. But seriously enough with the biting.  Another thing is being stared at, i don't care if its because i have impeccable fashion taste, because i'm making a ridiculous facial expression, or because there is salad stuck in my teeth. Its like half the world has decided that manners are inconsequential...Ok this is a bit hypocritical of me because as i day dream i tend to stare at something, and sometimes that something happens to be a person, but at least i'm not thinking about them right? Or is that worse? Well whatever. I guess its human to want to be treated differently than we often act. Which, by the way is highly irritating. I want to be rational, i want to be reasonable, i want to be all these things and sometimes i can just not get my $%!& together. Its just one of those days though, ya know? You just feel itchy about everything in life and all you really need is a hard run and a nap. Wow i sound like a dog...I'm pretty sure i was a golden retriever in a past life, it just explains so much about my personality. Clearly also a cat in a past life too...yes that explains my inexplicable need to be independent, to be able to be strong on my own....yup must have been.
        Man i could go on forever, i'm just in that mood....but my last note i shall rant while contradicting myself. Prepare yourselves. Ok i am so darn tired of things being pink just because i am a girl. Who decided that pink was a girly color and blue was boyish? I wanna meet them and give them a piece of my mind, because really its absurd. Every time i pick up a weekend pink slip from the dorm i think to myself how outrageous that is that because i was born female i must be subjected to everything here is my contradiction. I like pink, in fact quite a bit. Its infuriating! Oh by the way i recently learned i have been saying that word wrong for my entire life....i always say infuriorating....which subsequently is not only not a word, but if it were a word it probably is not what i meant to say in the first place. So that's cool.


  1. And now you know how I've gone from happy and excited to shutting myself away on family vacations in the past. No one respects the sleep. :(

  2. No Becca, Sleep is the law! and people must follow the law or get into big trouble! I totally hear you. I think that most people don't need as much sleep and so it does not matter so much to them when they get their few hours in. Look at both of our parents thou...both go to sleep between 9-10 at night and 11 is really late! Its in our genes baby. Embrace it.
