This is the Portico to the University. So this is what we go through every time we enter or leave the University. Oh yeah we have a curfew at night but since the university is gated we only have to make it back inside the gates by 11pm sometimes it changes i think...
This first week has just blown by. Its gone by so fast that i can't actually keep up with what day it is. But lets see...i made friends with all of the other students from Walla Walla, but in my defense i didn't know they were from WWU until after we met so i'm not flocking on purpose! Also made friends with Elena, of course, my I-missed-my-flight-also buddy, and the kids from Southern. The Andrews people and La Sierra seem to have made a clique so i don't hang out with them as much. But the most important part are my new Argentinian friends...but sadly i keep accidentally making friends with other students who go here but who are not Argentinian and they miraculously speak english. Like...they let me greet them in Spanish and stuff then start speaking english haha. But My roommate Vanessa is from Argentinian and her english is more limited than my spanish, thank god! I will actually have a native to learn from. She is really funny, she starts talking and gets really animated and starts speaking super fast and i just kinda nod along and say Mmmm....Ahhh...siiii. :)
I do understand her, just some of the fine details i don't catch. Oh but what i forgot to explain is that Argentinians pronounce things really different than other Spanish speakers so its really hard to figure out what they are actually saying since the sounds don't match the spelling at all. But i'm learning!!
So far i have seen weather of 80 degrees and down to 40 degrees, rain, sun, and wind gusts. Weather here seems to change at the rate of a teenage girl's mood swings. I have seen pink flamingos in the swampy land outside of Libertador San Martin (i have figured out how to use the accents yet), all kinds of stray dogs and a billion pigeons...i had the great and terrible misfortune of being present for a dog getting run over on the run :'( and i went running on their version of a track (a straight dirt road going alongside the road) and ran past a dead dalmatian in a ditch. So sad, this was all the same day with the dead dogs. I haven't seen an penguins sadly, because they are apparently really far to the south of me...also haven't seen any capybaras. :(
Yesterday a bunch of us ACA kids and UAP (the University) kids went out to El Puente Negro (black bridge) which is basically a large, old, falling apart bridge for trains. Apparently thats where a lot of the UAP kids go there on the weekends and hang out, drink Mate and Terere (not sure on the spelling) its cold mate basically.
Thought this would give good perspective of how high up it was
This is a few of us, Herb, Sapphira (from Southern) and Karla who we met here. We are eating these weird Adventist cookie things that taste like semi sweet nut crackers. Middle of the bridge! We made it. In case you are wondering yes the bridge is freaky and dangerous, little to our previous knowledge ACA students aren't supposed to go here. Oops hahah. Karla is awesome, just so you all know. :)
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