2nd day of classes...EVERYONE is sick. Muahahaha...this is funny because i got sick before i left for Argentina and i told my mom it was ok because then i wouldn't be sick when everyone else got sick. I'm convinced i infected everyone on my plane because i was the only one coughing and sniffing then 5hours later i heard a bunch of people starting to cough and sniff. I am patient zero!!! And i don't care if it wasn't my fault keep your medical opinions to yourself. But now all the ACA students are getting sick and i'm almost done being sick. Ha!
Ooo look at the adorable lolipop i found today! Also its called a chupete or something like this.
I mentioned in my Alles kommt aus Deustchland post that things here are often color coated to distinguish between genders. Well its really weird, the bathrooms en el Comedor, the ACA stuff given to girls was all pink and the guys all got blue. We got Spanish Bibles and the women all got purple ones and the guys got gold. Also the first girls dorm they had here is pink and the old guys dorm (which is now also a women's dorm) is blue. Like...the outside of these buildings are stereotypically baby blue and pink.
So by now you are ready for me to admit that i under packed...well here is your chance to gloat. I SO UNDER PACKED!!! Oh. My. God. So...i had two pairs on jeans (2 pairs what on earth was i thinking!??!) then i left one at Caity's house (for those of you who don't know my family she is my amazing older sister). Luckily I made friends with an awesome girl, Karla, and she gifted me a pair of jeans that didn't fit her. Also i only brought my running shoes as my close-toed shoes (again, seriously?!). So...its rainy and cold, like 40 degrees cold and i only have two pairs of warm pants, one pair of shoes and one hoodie...for 9 months. Apparently i should have requested a new brain because this one failed to recognize that although summers are hot as hell here, i am here mainly for spring and fall which are cold and rainy. But hey i wouldn't be me if i hadn't forgotten to bring my pants. Pants, for some absurd reason, are the main thing i forget to bring in multiples, or at all for that matter, when i am packing. So...If you are headed down to Argentina anytime in the next 9 months I beseech you, please bring me a pair of NORMAL shoes, a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I'm dying.
Ok dad this is for you, you asked for some pictures and i'm working on it. But here is what the surrounding Land looks like.
This is my Ashland shrine. It makes me feel happy. In case any of you are wondering why i have an unopened manila envelope...its my birthday present from Nathan. I have been so good and have not opened it early! Next Monday i get to open it finally :)
And you should add that I gave you 3 long sleeves to take with you plus a cardigan! Ooh Becca...... ;)